Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Last Chapter

The Final Chapter
Fallen & Standing Tall

It has been an awesome feeling writing SSHMF (abbreviation for the title). The above chapters, stories, fact & fiction are not meant to hurt anybody. If Fallen has hurt someone he has had the decency to apologize only if he meant it sincerely. I sincerely apologize if the profanity or resemblances to incidents are too co-incidental. Sorry people. I love you all and you have all touched my life in a special way. I have no regrets in life and it wouldn’t be fair to say I was the only one on the receiving end of pain. Love is about giving & taking. So I have done my fair share of being a Bastard. => Beautiful mistakes …There are some moments that have been captured into the very essence of my life. The following lyrics might help me say things better.

“Sometimes I feel I’ve lost my way
Looking for something real in this life
Day by day I keep asking myself
Without love
Where I’ll be
With out the sun, Where I’ll be
Without a sound, without the sea
Of my heart beats feeling me”

I would like to say thank you to Hope. I am because She is.
My quest to find you and to be a better person will never cease.
I will write songs of how I feel about us to make you fall more in love with me.
I want you by my side Hope…so I can look at myself in the reflection of your eyes…make you happy…make you proud…make babies and stand tall once again.

Closing Note

This is a piece of me…it comes from a place deep inside. I hope you people like what you read and could connect with my characters. I got so involved with the character of Fallen. My relationships have played a pivotal role. I hope I haven’t offended anyone. I truly respect all of you and you all have a special place in my heart. Thank you for being my ray of sunshine on a rainy day. I quote Heath Andrew Ledger (4 April 1979 – 22 January 2008 from a Knights Tale.

“It is strange to think, I haven't seen you since a month. I have seen the new moon, but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises, but nothing of your beautiful face. The pieces of my broken heart are so small that they could be passed through the eye of a needle. I miss you like the sun misses the flower; like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to. I next compete in the city of Paris, I will find it empty and in the winter if you are not there. Hope guides me, that is what gets me through the day and the night. The hope that after you're gone from my sight, it will not be the last time that I look upon you. “

I would like to profusely thank & apologize sincerely to everyone I have ever had the pleasure of being acquainted with.




References & Excerpts:
• Wikipedia
• Lyrics from Boaz Mauda’s song “Without Love” Performed Live @ Eurovision 2008.
• Dialogue from “A Knights Tale” Written & Directed by Brian Helgeland.